Wednesday, July 22, 2015

No One's Home in this Hobbit Hole...

Like most mothers I wear many hats... wife, mother, friend, snuggler, cook, maid, taxi driver, boo boo kisser etc... And of course there are hats very specific to me such as Jesus Freak, Pastor's wife, Librarian, home educating parent, sewist,biblical counselor, Sunday school teacher, dance mom, lover of books and epic coffee consumer. Recently new hats have been added. Homeschool Co-op tutor, Girl Scout troop leader, Library Book Club facilitator. Sometimes I'm confident I can rock this life like super woman and other times I'm completely freaked out and wondering who stuck all these hats on my head and fearing that I will be crushed under the weight of it all. However, I know whom I serve and whose name I strive to glorify and in HIM I will find strength.

Lately I feel my God and King has been calling me to even greater service. He has laid upon my heart a desire to edify and up lift other moms who are struggling with the burdens of this life. To pass on the refreshing gift of comfort and encouragement that I've been so greatly blessed with myself. The only catch is that it requires me to leave the comforts of my house. If you know me you will know that I am very much a homebody. I frequently refer to myself as a troll guarding her bridge. A hobbit enjoying her hobbit hole. And while edification and uplifting CAN come virtually, I know as I have an incredible "Mama's Group" of like-minded, Christ-centered mamas on Facebook that is a wellspring of refreshment, encouragement and hilarity, I feel the Lord is being very specific in directing me to special women I know who need a person. Which will require me to leave my house. 

So yesterday I collected a very spirited 11 year old and we headed to the pool which offered the sweet, Jesus loving grandmother who is raising her a very much NEEDED break. (P.S. I have a horrible water phobia and I despise being wet.)  I have been blessed this way from time to time and always at the perfect time. Deep in the trenches of parenting you occasionally find yourself utterly exhausted and exasperated and then like a beacon of light an angel appears in the form of a sweet friend who has arrived just in the nick of time to steal your ornery child away for an afternoon of fun thus letting you use the bathroom in peace, shower with the door closed and complete a single thought. Providing you with the peace needed to recharge your internal batteries so you have the strength and grace needed to continue the parenting journey. At a lower volume. The beauty of fulfilling that summer time parenting obligation and going to the pool is that afterwards you return the child utterly exhausted from sun and fun that the gift is extended. Children require lots of energy to drive you nuts. :) Today I will met another friend out and about with our children to provide the gift of adult conversation that is very rare and appreciated when you spend your days with small people hunting fairies and putting on "concerts". Perhaps I'll collect an additional child and take him with me, giving his exhausted mother a bit of peace. Two birds, one stone. Except it has even more benefits since it also provided entertainment for my own child and an opportunity to show the love of the Lord for me. 

But it requires me to leave my house. And get wet. Both things I don't particularity enjoy. Likewise, do you know what I DO enjoy? Jesus' unending mercy, love and grace. I want to share that. I want to be His hands and feet and I want Him to confidently use me to bring honor and glory to His name. In Him I can do hard things. I can get wet and leave my house. In service, I will be blessed. He is my strength and for all that I've been given I want to continue the cycle of love and selflessness. (although as an innately selfish person I need lots of practice at the selflessness gig)

So despite the extremely long list of things I need to do and the house work I need to accomplish and the books I want to read.... No one will be home in my hobbit hole for most of this week. 


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